X-Men Origins : Wolverine

Wolverine is Kick-ASS !!! That’s it – the movie summed up !!

Actually a lot of people’s get their asses kicked and not necessarily by Wolverine – that just adds more to the fun :) !! Wolverine : Origins traces the origin of Logan and his brother Victor (Sabertooth of X Men 1) – over more than a century as they take part in all the major wars of their times. And all throughout the movie, Logan and Victor have this love-hate relationship which is the backbone of the movie.

Soon, enter Colonel Stryker – who assembles a crack team of mutants for undercover work - and the fun really begins ! We see new characters like Deadpool, Bolt, Wraith & Blob who have cool powers and they unleash some superb action onscreen. However, Logan soon gets disillusioned with the work and leaves the group – to lead a normal life with Kayla somewhere in the picturesque Rocky Mountains in Canada. But soon his past catches up with him and then all hell breaks loose …

The movie is a visual delight and its almost criminal to watch it on anything but a big screen ! The superb action sequences and awesome explosions deserve a proper theatre. And the star of the movie without doubt is Hugh Jackman. He gives Logan that feral snarl and the don’t-mess-with-me eyebrows – it’s a treat to watch. Logan was always the most interesting character in the X-Men franchise because there was always that violent streak in him …. waiting to explode. Surprisingly, Victor also gives a very good performance, acting the bullying elder brother.

However while visually it’s a 10/10, the script of Wolverine does come across a little wanting. The impression throughout the X-Mean franchise was that Logan had a really dark history. But actually we do not see any of Logan’s dark side ! He doesn’t hurt innocents and uses his powers only to avenge himself – hardly a dark side !! The romantic plot with Kayla is a little abrupt – and finding a cool motorcycle in a barn a little too convenient.

And if you are irritated with the repeated mentions of the previous X-Men movies, then I apologize. Wolverine is supposed to be a pre-story to the franchise just like the Star Trek movie two weeks back. So even if you haven’t seen any of the X-Men movies, you will still enjoy all the action. And if you have seen the X-Men movies, then you will enjoy how the director neatly ties up everything into the franchise at the end of the movie.

Director Gavin Wood very nicely helms Wolverine : Origins – the slight lack of depth in the characters is made up by the stylish flair of action sequences. The pace of the movie is frenetic and after some of the sequences, you just cant help but hoot and clap out loud. Now I am waiting for the next movie which shows the origins of Magneto ...

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Sriharsha Salagrama said...

I beg to differ, dude. Wolverine's "dark side" is never hinted at either in the other X-Men movies or in the comic book. It is only the mystery sorrounding Wolverine's origin that is repeatedly mentioned. One assumes, almost naturally, that Wolverine must have been evil pasat.
Perhaps, like Jean Grey (Phoenix), Logan has immense potential that could be used for good or for evil.

Sriharsha Salagrama said...

Oh, almost forgot to mention that I loved the flick! Yes, the story had no real surprises, but then Hugh Jackman more than compensates!