Confessions of a Shopalcoholic

Lack of new movies for the last two weeks meant that we are forced to watch movies which we would normally have passed by. Confessions of a Shopalcoholic was released two weeks back, but I watched it only yesterday. Not that it’s a particularly horrible movie – it is a typical chick flick – a romantic comedy. Just similar to the two hundred or so movies before it - but a nice feel-good movie all the same.

So the baseline for this movie is – if you have other things to do in this weekend, you can give Confessions of a Shopalcoholic a miss – you wont lose anything. However if you don’t have anything else to do (and dont mind watching a romantic comedy), then go for it. It will put you in a pleasant mood as happy-ending movies generally do.

The story - it is just a outer frame for the love story to develop. Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a fashion-label-obsessed, compulsive shopper. Soon she has run up mindboggling credit card bills. She changes jobs and finds herself in a journalist role in a financial magazine. And somehow, her articles dealing with personal finance from a shopping angle strike a chord with the audience. The love angle comes in the form of her editor Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy). What happens next doesn’t need much brainwork.

Performances are good all round – Isla Fisher has the right balance of cuteness and spunk to carry this role. The rest of the cast do not make a big impression, but do not appear out of place either. The script doesn’t lag much and there are no unnecessary songs. In short, there isn’t much wrong with the movie – but nothing remarkable either. So there you have it …

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pandorasbox said...

Agreed. But the books are hilarious and my favorites. The movie actually doesn't do much justice to the series.

The Dingbat said...

I quite enjoyed the books when I was much younger - about 3 years ago or so.. Now, the books come across as pretty inane! :) But worth a read when I am down in the dumps! :))
Haven't been able to head to a theatre in a while, but am looking forward to seeing this movie soon .. :)