
(Watched it two weeks back but didnt get around to post a review)

One of the most over-hyped and unworthy releases of the year. Billed as a horror movie - it generated countless laughs as the audience found the directors desperate attempts for scaring rather silly. The trick of focusing on inanimate objects was used WAY too many times to elicit any other reaction other than derision.
Barring one genuinely scary scene with a mirror, there was nothing remotely scary in the movie. The actors do their role well, but with such a weak script - its not their fault

And the ending was just too zany - in short, nothing good in this movie ... go watch The Ring agian for some real horror :)

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soumya said...

Phoonk was a disaster. I watched it just for the sake of having some harmless and mindless fun but it turn out to be a total waste! It has more of a interior decorator magazine element than horror in it, and you are left wondering why would any sane person keep such hideous things as their house ornaments. But then, we are talking about insanity beyond belief!

Pradosh said...

Make that a horror-house interior decorator !! I cant imagine why someone would keep such grotesque things around children :) !!